KHCC had a fun week last week discovering and learning about farms!
I used an awesome technique to whip up some colored rice to make the "hay" for the bin. (DIY colored rice) I just skipped the other colors and made one batch of yellow. I used our Fisher Price Little People barn and some cheap farm animals I picked up at the dollar store. It was actually really fun putting this together!
- I would suggest putting down a clear plastic tarp or shower curtain, something of the sorts to funnel it all back into the bin at the end of play time. I have been cleaning up rice that was scattered all over my dining room and kitchen for a week now, LOL! -
Like I said - sooo much fun! I had two 1.5 year olds and a 2 year old playing in this for upwards of half an hour. That's a substantial amount of time given their ages. I only shut the shop down when I realized my kitchen and dining room tile had become re-grouted with rice, haha!
I also found a free coloring page with a blank pig (found here. Thanks Google!). We painted all the pigs pink and then we painted "mud" on them to get them dirty! It was just a little bit of brown fingerpaint. I didn't supply too much so you could still tell what it was at the end ;)
This was a great opportunity to ask some questions!
What color is the pig?
What color is the mud we're putting on the pig?
How many pigs are there?
What does a pig say?
How many ears does a pig have?
...feet? etc.
I have a great group of super inquisitive children so these questions are always great to ask! It gets their minds going. It's also great to just sit back and watch them work on their project without interfering or directing. I'm so envious of their creativity and innocent imagination! Kids are so awesome.
While we were on the subject of mud and while my younger 1 year olds haven't quite let go of the 'hand to mouth' stage, (we do not eat paint! no no!) I had the idea of dropping small globs of brown paint on paper and letting the youngin's roll a truck back and forth on it. I'm not sure if it really ties in with the Farm theme but I called them tractor paintings, so whatever! It turned out really cute and they had fun with it.
I am super stoked for the next couple of weeks! Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years = sooooo many fun crafts! My son is almost 3, so anything hand print or foot print related, he LOVES! He even requests to paint his own hand so he can stamp it himself! You know - that impending toddler independence. Be on the lookout for these adorable craft posts!
Did you ever celebrate Farm Week? What did you do? Drop some ideas below to help future readers throw a great one for their kids!
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